Diarra is a Campaign Assistant with MomsRising's Healthy Kids Team. She is a recent graduate from Russell Sage College. Diarra is a dancer who has always enjoyed mentoring youth. During her most recent internship at the African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, she facilitated creative movement dance classes for children with adverse childhood experiences, based on principles of social emotional development and trauma informed care. Diarra hopes to use her degree in Dance/Movement therapy to create a curriculum that could be used in educational environments that contributes to healthy lifestyles, as well as the development and social skills of children.
Blog Post List
January 1, 2020
El año pasado vimos aumentar el momentum alrededor de la mortalidad materna, justicia reproductiva y servicios abortivos a nivel nacional y estatal. Apoyamos coaliciones/orgs a cargo de mujeres afroamericanas como SisterSong, BMMA y Ancient Song Doula que luchan por autonomía corporal como derecho humano de las mujeres afroamericanas y de color. Ayudamos a las coaliciones All* Above All, Act 4 Women a establecer que los servicios abortivos SON servicios de salud y a Thrive NJ y MoMMA’s Voices a abogar por integrar las agendas políticas de salud reproductiva. Victorias en el 2019 en Justicia...