Maybelline is a Latina and full time working mom who has been blogging since 2010 on her blog about eco-friendly lifestyle and parenting with a natural approach. She has always struggled with her weight but since moving to the USA, she has faced so much more than overeating. She is an advocate for organic food, unprocessed food and labeling of GMOs. She believes consumers have the power in their wallets to make their voices heard when it comes to toxic chemicals in our foods. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science in Communications and has turned to social media to spread the word about real food and the impact it has in our lives to recognize that food is all about fueling not comfort. Maybelline lives in Fort Myers, Florida with her husband and son.
Maybelline Valenti
Maybelline has been blogging since 2010 on her blog about eco-friendly lifestyle and parenting with a natural approach.
Blog Post List

January 15, 2015
Para muchos el simple hecho de pensar en cocinar en familia significa estrés y descontrol; pero para mí la cocina es el corazón del hogar, en ella se prepara la comida que nos da energía y nos mantiene unidos. Mi hijo, quien hace poco cumplió 5 años ha estado expuesto a lo que pasa en el corazón de mi casa desde muy temprana edad; recuerdo estar cocinando y tenerlo en una silla para bebé para controlarlo mejor. Aunque la memoria me puede estar jugando un truco, me parece que la primera vez que lo expuse a preparar alimentos él tenía un año medio más o menos y solía ayudarme los domingos en la...