Sara Alcid is a feminist political organizer based in Washington, DC. As an Associate Campaign Director, she mobilizes MomsRising's one million members to take action on economic justice issues and shift public policy through storytelling and grassroots organizing. Prior to joining MomsRising, Sara served as a Programs and Policy Associate at the Reproductive Health Technologies Project, where she led the organization's work on the intersections of environmental and reproductive health, rights, and justice. Sara holds a BA in Political Science and Gender & Sexuality Studies from Bryn Mawr College and her writing and work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Everyday Feminism, Mic, Role Reboot, Jezebel, and others. She is also currently a member of the leadership team at FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture. In her free time, she draws, paints, and goes on beach adventures with her partner and their dog, Blue.
Blog Post List

March 26, 2019
El Día de Pago Justo es el 2 de abril y marca cuántos días en el 2019 se tiene que trabajar para ganar lo que se le pagó a un hombre anglosajón en el 2018 haciendo el mismo trabajo. Las latinas solo hacemos 53 centavos por cada dólar y es hora de cambiar estas cifras. >>> Para crear conciencia sobre la brecha salarial y las posibles soluciones como ausencias familiares y médicas pagadas, MomsRising y Main Street Alliance crearon servilletas y cubre vasos de cartón para ser usadas durante ese día en las tiendas de café participantes en todo el país. ¿Por qué necesitamos pago justo y...